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Harvest Festival

Posted On 02 Oct 2024
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Last week We’ve had a fantastic day of Harvest Festival celebrations!

Team Grainger performed a beautiful autumn poem in honour of the harvest season, and the children were thrilled to share it with their family and friends! Along with the poem, we performed two songs—one of which incorporated sign language, adding a special touch to the performance. The highlight for many was the energetic performance of Cauliflowers Fluffy, a song the children absolutely loved.  We even had some impressive dance moves from the group that made it feel like a dance-off was about to break out! We couldn’t be more proud of how well our Reception students have settled in, and we hope you all enjoyed the show as much as we did!

Team Medley, Davidson and Williamson came together to perform their Harvest Festival. The children collectively sang the song ‘Let’s Harvest’. Year One children then performed a poem called ‘Autumn Leaves’ with some fantastic actions! The group then collectively sang the song ‘Thank you god for the Harvest’. After that, the Year Twos took over and delivered a Harvest story, sharing the joys of Harvest time. The celebration ended with a collective singing of ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’.

Team Taylor started the KS2 Harvest Festival by discussing the Christian value ‘Responsibility’. The children shared the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ which explained how we are responsible for helping others during challenging times. Next, Team Stanton discussed ‘The Journey of Chocolate’, where it comes from and how it has become a staple part of our modern day diet. They even shared how eating dark chocolate has been scientifically proven to have health benefits. The class’ performance was rounded up through a selection of prayers discussing the importance of the christian value ‘Thankfulness’.

In Team Goodacre, their performance linked with their current topic ‘Romans’. Trust and respect was woven throughout their performance and prayers. The children shared information about the different foods that the invaders and settlers introduced to us as well as the  different mining methods used to harvest minerals from the land. Lastly in Team Perry, their performance centred around climate change and the ever increasing impact it is having on our lives. They discussed how rising temperatures are affecting harvesting which is leading to an increase in food and fuel prices. Their prayers linked perseverance during challenging times. 

We then invited parents, grandparents and friends back to school to join us for a delicious chicken roast dinner.  Many thanks to Mrs Hobson and the kitchen staff for a delicious lunch for over 100 parents, carers, grandparents and our school children!

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