Aspire Meeting – 14th November 2022
Justin Reeve (Headteacher)
Sophie Cunningham (RE Lead)
Janet Marriner (foundation governor)
Sarah McBride (foundation governor)
Reverend Martin Otter (vicar)
Sue Corbett (chair of governors)
Alex Year 6
James Year 5
Karen Flood (parent)
Key Actions Moving forward
- GS crew to meet with Miss Cunningham to discuss creation of Newsletter highlighting RE/CW in the half term – November 28th pm.
- MO/SM/JM – to look into ‘church experience’ days. 27/28th February.
- JR – invite Tockwith congregation into school to watch a collective worship.
- JR – to look at creating a questionnaire, with google forms, to send out to parents to see how much they know about our vision and values. This is to be done with the GS Crew.
- JR to discuss work with Sue Cook to create a section on the website highlighting admissions for Church schools.
- Agenda for next meeting to include collective worship for parents, buddy service for September and service in the community.