Who do parents/carers contact at school?
When do I contact the class teacher?
- Queries about lessons and what is being taught
- Queries about friendships
- Concerns around daily medical needs e.g. my child may need help because they’ve hurt their arm or my child may need help when using the toilet
- My child is being collected by…………………….. tonight (For children in Reception to Year 2 – please tell staff on a morning)
- Change to family circumstances
- Seesaw messages or emails may not be seen in the day, if there is a change in circumstances on the day please contact the school office.
When do I contact the Pastoral Lead?
- I feel my child needs additional support in school, for example due to them feeling worried, a change in family circumstances, ongoing friendship issues
When do I contact the SENCO?
- If you have a query relating to an EHCP
When do I contact the Headteacher?
- If you have a Safeguarding concern about a child
- If you have a concern about a staff member
- To give positive feedback
When do I contact the school office?
- My contact details have changed
- My child will be arriving late to school today
- We have an appointments in school time
- There has been a change or there is a new allergy
- My child will be absent from school due to illness
- Change to pick up arrangements on the day
- My child needs medicine in school
- Term dates
- School trips
- School events
- Dinners
- We are wanting to take our child on holiday in school time
- System queries
- Music lessons
- After school clubs
If you are unsure who to contact – contact the school office !