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The Aspire group meets each half term to oversee our Christian vision and how our Christian values are lived in school, and also plan and strengthen school/church and wider community links.  The Members attending these meetings include foundation governors, governors, parents, Reverend Martin and Karen, Mr Reeve and the GS Crew.

Our current key focus areas are:

  • Organising a church roadshow at Tockwith Church with Rev. Martin
  • Links between school, church, parents and the community
  • Reflecting on activities that have been organised by Aspire
  • Allowing the children a voice

We feedback the key actions from this group to the Local Governing Board and these are published on the school website.

Our school prayers are:

Currently, we are following the York Diocese unit of journey through the bible in our collective worships and this year the focus has been the Lord’s prayer so this is primarily used.