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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

We aspire to give every child the opportunity to ‘live life in all its fullness’. 

In our school, the children achieve and attain exceptionally well so we have designed something extra to appeal to our children’s drive to academic improvements – the John 10:10 award. 

Children are able to embark on additional studies in subjects outside of the classroom. They then have to complete a specially designed test to gain a John 10:10 in that subject. They will also be expected to have completed at least one additional study to increase their knowledge and understanding. This will need to be presented to the subject lead in a manner that the pupil feels is the best way.  The subject areas will include inspiration people, features of the subject or events that have happened. One subject will be studied each half term. 

The children will have the opportunity to study this over several weeks and will progress to a test at the end of Half-term. If they pass this test, they will receive a subject specific John 10:10 award.