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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

At Tockwith Church of England Primary Academy, we ensure that children have developed a range of qualities, attitudes and skills that will prepare them effectively for the future, underpinned by our Core Christian Values of Creativity, Friendship and Perseverance. We aim to ‘inspire young minds’.  We are very proud of our pivotal position at the heart of the community and we pride ourselves on our family atmosphere and our positive outlook on life. We know our pupils well and endeavour to meet each child’s particular needs. Our vision for the school is rooted in John 10:10 which encourages all members of Tockwith Church of England Primary School to ‘live life in all it’s fullness’. We believe we have a key aspects of school life that entwine to make us who we are.

Justin Reeve – Headteacher

The academy is well resourced, with spacious classrooms and large outdoor leaning spaces. We have invested heavily in technology which is an integral part of our daily teaching and learning.

We believe that through expert teaching and support, all children will be able to reach their individual potential standard. We provide a creative curriculum which is both broad and balanced and which offers all children an opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in a full range of subject areas and is underpinned by our vision. 

Reverend Otter

I am Rev’d Martin Otter, the vicar of the Parish of Marston Moor, which includes The Church of the Epiphany in Tockwith. It is wonderful that there is such a close relationship between the church and the school in this village, and the Christian ethos of loving one another as we are loved by Jesus is very obvious as one walks around the school, meeting with the children and staff. We lead worship in school every week and the school use the church either for worship, learning or other activities, it is a wonderful community space and the school children, through their regular visits, feel very much a part of the building and what it primarily is there for. Jesus told his disciples to bring the children to him, and Tockwith school do this in abundance.

Chair of School Governors

We are an enthusiastic and dedicated team of volunteers whose role is to provide an overview of the school in terms of learning, standards and wellbeing and to provide strategic direction. We also hold the senior leadership team to account for academic performance, community engagement and Early Years quality of care and provision and in doing so, uphold the visions, values and objectives enabling our children to flourish and live life in all its fullness.

We are very proud of our school as the centre of the community and very much enjoy working in partnership with the staff, the children and our parents and carers.

Chair of PTFA

The PTFA is a group of parents, teachers and friends of the school who come together to organise several fundraising events throughout the year. The money they raise pays for additional resources, extra-curricular activities and experiences for all the children attending Tockwith school. The group raise money by hosting whole school events, such as fairs, raffles, sales, non uniform days and more. They have proven to be a wonderful asset to the school.