In addition to our Maths curriculum, children also have an additional short number input which is designed to support children’s development of ‘ number sense’. This helps children to have firm foundations to develop as they progress through school and enable links to be made confidently and efficiently. Sessions vary from 5 to 15 minutes and take place 4 times a week.
EYFS to Y2 have four daily sessions (up to 15 minutes) of Mastering Number. The aim is for children to leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.
Year 3 and 4 focus on developing children’s understanding and recall of multiplication and division facts for times tables up to 12×12. They will use place value, number facts, factor pairs, commutativity, and inverse operations in mental calculations. In June, Year 4 will take part in the times tables check.
Year 5 and 6 tailor fluency sessions to meet the needs of children, therefore supporting children to secure greater confidence in the four different operations.
Year 5