Community Litter Pick
Following the questionnaire, produced by Tockwith Together last year, litter was one of the things that the people of our parish were concerned about. To address this the Clean Up Club was formed and people invited to become responsible for a regular walk route or an area of the village. On Tuesday 30th January The Clean Up Club, in conjunction with Future Footprints and the school, conducted its first Community Litter Pick. As you all know our children are passionate about keeping our school grounds and surrounds litter free and we are proud to support a parish wide initiative.
Children picked up litter from the school grounds and also from the Sportsfield across from school. The children were eager to help keep the community tidy and many completed litter picks on their way home as well! Many thanks to Sue Corbett, our chair of governors, and Mrs Poole for organising and supporting the event.
Finn in Y6 commented “I enjoyed helping clean the community”