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Star of the Week Assemblies

Please find below a link to the Star of the week Assemblies: 1st May click here to watch 3rd April click here to watch
Posted On 04 May 2020

Run Around the World

Our school is joining with all 24 schools across Ebor Academy Trust in a challenge to Run Around the World! If all of the 6,000 pupils, plus 500 others – your family or staff – take part and run, walk, cycle or wheel 200 metres per day during each day in May, we will collectively...
Posted On 30 Apr 2020

Access to School for Key Workers

Schools have been asked to continue to provide care only for vulnerable children and for children of key workers who would not otherwise be able to work. Government guidance is clear that if children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus...
Posted On 26 Mar 2020

Y3/4 Prodction – Go For Gold

Amid all of the disruption and confusion at the start of March when the coronavirus first appeared, our Year 3 and 4 children put on an amazing performance of ‘Go For Gold’ about the ancient Greeks. The children had not had long to practice and were not in the...
Posted On 26 Mar 2020

School Closure

Emergency closure From Monday 23 March, only children of key workers and vulnerable children will remain in school. Otherwise, this school will remain closed until further notice, in line with government instruction. For more information, which is updated regularly, please visit...
Posted On 19 Mar 2020

International School Council

Last week, Mr Reeve and Miss Murphy took a couple of students from Year 5 to Alderman Cogan’s Primary Academy for the first International School Council. The council met with other schools and spoke about actions that schools and our partner schools can take to move forward...
Posted On 16 Mar 2020

Coronavirus Update

An information page has been created for parents and carers to provide updates on the Coronavirus.  Please click on the attached link to view the information: Ebor Academy Trust Coronavirus Update
Posted On 16 Mar 2020

Sports Relief

On Friday 13th we supported Sports Relief through dressing in sports kit or sports related clothing for a donation of £1. The children each also ran approximately 10 laps of the playground, which collaboratively meant that the school ran 100 miles that day!  We raised an amazing...
Posted On 16 Mar 2020

Religious Education – Islam

Last week we invited Imran from Muslim Learner Services into Tockwith School to talk to us about Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in modern Britain. Imran talked to the Key Stage 2 children during an assembly and then held a workshop for children in Year 1 and 2. He showed...
Posted On 16 Mar 2020

Reception trip to Eureka

Our Reception class had their first big trip at the beginning of March – they went to visit Eureka!  The children took part in an Imaginative Journey workshop which included a 30 minute storytelling experience led by Eurekas! intrepid explorer who has travelled the globe...
Posted On 16 Mar 2020