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Tockwith’s Big Freize

Posted On 18 May 2021
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During our whole school RE day, we have been exploring and creating our own ‘Tockwith’s Big Frieze’.The Big Frieze illustrates seven of the core concepts explored in the Church of England’s Understanding Christianity materials. Effectively, this presents a view of the ‘big story’ of the Bible. The Big Frieze enables children to become aware of the wider context of each concept within the bible and where a particular text occurs within the ‘big story’. These include; Creation, The Fall, People of God, Incarnation, Salvation, Gospel and Kingdom of God. Each class demonstrated different ways of bringing these searching ideas to life. We engaged through drama, music, art, debate and discussion.

Reception kicked off the whole school RE day with the creation story. They acted out the story then moved on to some art work.  Year 1 looked at the story of Noah’s Ark, they started the day off with a helicopter story of Noah’s Ark, counted up in 2s in maths (counting our animals into the Ark) and then each child designed their own Ark to take home. Year 2 looked at the story of Joseph.  They made a dreamcoat, learnt the song and designed their very own colourful dreamcoat. Children in year 3 looked at Incarnation. As part of this they explored how the nativity story would have been different if Jesus was born in the year 2021. Year 4 listened to the song “my lighthouse” by Rand Collective, listened to the lyrics and linked them to the stories / Jesus’ teachings from the gospels.  They focused on following the pulse and rhythm within the song, linking to our music curriculum.  Year 5 explored ways of showing forgiveness and how Christians feel when they are feeling ‘right’ with god.  They discussed how it feels to have a weight (sins) lifted off their shoulders. Children in year 6 read the story ‘The Road to Damascus’ and then looked at the history of Damascus.  They discussed the quote ‘I was blind but now I can see’ and then used their interpretation of this to create some amazing artwork.

In the next few weeks we will be finishing our canvases off which will be displayed in the hall as a timeline. We look forward to sharing this with you.

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