PTFA Summer Fair
The sun shone brightly last week for our PTFA summer fair! We had an amazing turn out of parents, grandparents, carers and friends on Friday in support of the school. We had hot dogs, burgers, a drinks tent, bouncy castle, tombola and the dreaded stocks. Mr Reeve deserves a medal for his excellent performance in the stocks – he seemed to almost enjoy having wet sponges thrown at him. We also had multiple stalls including face painting, hair glitter, school uniform, sweets, football nets and we were also lucky enough to have a tractor and police car turn up for children to look at and sit in. We had the amazing Mr Crilley on site with his bands and the school choir – they all did amazing performances, keeping the children and adults entertained.
A massive thank you to the volunteers who helpe set up the fair, run the stalls and clear up afterwards – we really wouldn’t have done it without you!