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Chicks in Reception!

Posted On 21 Jun 2021
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Reception have been at looking life cycles of various animals, from caterpillars and butterflies to dinosaurs and their eggs. This, in line with their farmyard topic, led to the discussion on eggs and chicks.  The Reception class have had the amazing opportunity to have some eggs within their classroom.  Last week the eggs hatched and we now have chicks in the classroom!  This is an awe and wonder experience for the class and it is an amazing literacy driver – the children have been writing chick diaries, observing the eggs and chicks and have a full understanding of where the eggs come from and the chick life cycle.  The children in Reception have been looking after the chicks, ensuring the chicks have enough heat, food and water and making sure they are very careful when handling them.  This has been such an amazing experience for the children, as you can see from the photos below:

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