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Remembrance Day

The children in school created some wonderful art work and writing for the Tockwith Church display.  The work ranged from coloured poppies, wreaths, fingerprint poppies, poems and stories. The children put a lot of thought and effort into the work and the display in church was...
Posted On 16 Nov 2020

Year 1 Acting out Books!

The children in Year 1 read ‘Mad About Dinosaurs’ outside and then acted out different parts of the book.  They used props to assist with the telling of the story!  The children had a great time pretending to be dinosaurs and acting outside!  
Posted On 05 Nov 2020

Reception & KS1 Autumn Walk

Reception and KS1 went on an Autumn walk as part of their work on the seasons. The weather couldn’t have been better and the children had a beautiful Autumnal morning.  They squelched through mud and swished through the grass. The children spotted mushrooms, berries, birds...
Posted On 05 Nov 2020

Star of the Week

We have been holding our Star of the Week assemblies virtually since we returned in September. The children have loved seeing the other classes and teachers during these assemblies and have engaged with the technology brilliantly.    The video of the star of the week can be seen...
Posted On 29 Sep 2020

Drop off & Collection Information

It is amazing for our children to return to school. To ensure we have had to put certain guidelines in place to ensure the safety of all of our children and staff.  Please see the following for details: – Reception – drop off at 8.40am, collection at 3.05 At drop off...
Posted On 22 Sep 2020

Welcome Back

We are delighted that we were able to reopen school at the start of this term to our children and it is fantastic to see so many children return to their learning.  In order to open school, we have had to make several changes to our entry and exit gates, and request that all...
Posted On 21 Sep 2020

PE Awards!

Tockwith Primary Academy has been awarded two PE awards! The first award is for Autumn 2019 and Spring 2020. It a was awarded for: Participation in tournaments – we only missed one tournament that was put on and we had a great amount of students who got to go to these...
Posted On 23 Jun 2020

We ran around the world!

We have now completed our challenge – and children and staff at our 24 schools have ‘ran around the world’. During the 31 days of May we walked, ran, cycled or wheeled over 44,000km, which allowed us to ‘travel’ across our planet. All the details of our journey will shortly be on...
Posted On 01 Jun 2020

Latest update – 11 May 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May, we now know that a conditional plan for education will see Reception, Year One and Year Six pupils begin a phased return to school from Monday 1 June; with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils spending at least some time...
Posted On 11 May 2020

Keep up to date with our Run Around the World

Keep up to date with our Run Around the World Ebor are regularly updating the charity run website page here: After a busy first weekend, between all our efforts we have travelled over 3,000 kilometres. Keep...
Posted On 04 May 2020