Space Day 2017
For the first half term, Year 1 and Year 2 had the exciting topic of SPACE! Here we were investigating both what was in Space as well as the aliens that could potentially be out there. We started our topic with a WOW from Captain Darling who came all the way from NASA to tell us about Space and the different planets. Then we went on a journey pretending we were in a space shuttle and we looked up close at planets such as Mercury and we even got very close to the Sun. There were some near misses with some asteroids but we soon landed back down to Earth safely. In the afternoon Captain Darling explained to us how technology was very important in space and showed us a robotic arm and how this helped the astronauts grab things from outside the space station. He then showed us how to make our own out of paper and we were then able to use it to grab items.
To end our topic on space Year 1 and Year 2 had a space day. Here we dressed up with anything to do with space and there were some unusual aliens floating around. We had a carousel of activities from creating our own alien slime and also tasting real astronaut food. Dried cookies and cream went down very well! We all had a chance to make our own take on moon rocks and review our learning of the term.