PTFA Update
What a fantastic year it has been for the PTFA this year. We would like to say a huge thank you to the PTFA for all their help in supporting the school.
The Summer Gala was very well attended and had a lovely feel to it. It was great to see so many smiles around the place. Even Mr Goodacre and Mr Skidmore smiled whilst sponges were heading towards their faces! Thanks also go to the bands and open mike contributors who entertained us royally. The event itself managed to raise £836 this year. Amazing effort!
Thank you so much to everyone who came and for all the bottle donations.
The PTFA have already agreed to fund £500 worth of Reading Books as well as £200 for books for Mrs Slack to use in her pastoral support.
I can’t wait for the Key Stage 1 children to see what is coming for them in September. The PTFA have been busy saving money to pay for a play area for the younger children of the school. The money has been spent and it will be fitted over the summer. How exciting!