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Humphrey Head Trip

On Monday 10th June, our year 6 children arrived at school with their suitcases ready for their residential trip to Humphrey Head. A two hour coach trip later and they rocked up at the activity center ready for lunch.  After making their beds themselves they headed out for...
Posted On 17 Jun 2019

Visit to York St John – The Future of Game Design

Several of our year 5 children visited York St John University to learn all about the future of game design. The afternoon was spent experiencing virtual reality and the children were able to try designing games themselves!!  What an amazing experience and a huge thanks to York...
Posted On 12 Jun 2019

Y3 & 4 visit to Murton Park

Year 3 and 4 experienced the Romans in real life this week when they visited a Roman Fort at the Danelaw Centre at Murton Park as part of their project on the Ancient Romans. The children started the day as lowly Roman peasants living in a Roman village and experienced working in...
Posted On 12 Jun 2019

Y4 Visit the British Library

Year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to visit The British Library last week – this is the national library of the United Kingdom and has the world’s most comprehensive research collection. The collection contains over 170 million items including artefacts from every...
Posted On 12 Jun 2019


Our stars of the week this week are….
Posted On 12 Jun 2019

Bee Update

Mrs George and her beekeepers went to check on the hive this week – this will be something they will be doing on a weekly basis now to prevent swarming and to ensure there is enough space for the bees (there isn’t too much honey in the hive!). Mrs George was pleased...
Posted On 06 Jun 2019


Our stars of the week this week are…
Posted On 06 Jun 2019


Our stars of the week this week are…  
Posted On 20 May 2019

Reception trip to Piglets

Last week the rain held off for long enough for our Reception class to have a fantastic trip to Piglets Adventure Farm in York. The class split into groups and took part in several activities put on by Piglets.  There was a session where the children learnt about animals and were...
Posted On 14 May 2019

Tri Golf Festival

As part of the Tadcaster Sports Partnership, children in Year 4 took part in a Tri Golf Festival with children from Riverside Primary.  The children all put in a fantastic effort, especially as it was cold with wet weather conditions!   All of the children played really well and...
Posted On 14 May 2019