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Y5/6 Trip to Flamingo Land

On Monday 11th March, years 5 and 6 visited Flamingo Land Zoo to enrich their learning and understanding of The Rainforest.  They took part in workshops run by zoo staff and had a tour of the zoo.   In the workshop, the children learnt about cockroaches and the tenrec hedgehog....
Posted On 14 Mar 2024


Our stars of the week:  
Posted On 11 Mar 2024

Visit from Poet Ash Dickinson

Today we were delighted to have Ash Dickinson visit school and host a poetry assembly to the whole school.  This was followed by individual workshops to each class throughout the day and a final assembly to showcase everything the children have produced throughout the day.  Ash...
Posted On 06 Mar 2024

Visit from a Lifeguard

Last week the children in year 3 and 4 were visited by two lifeguards, Beatrix and Harrison, as part of a water safety lesson.   Beatrix and Harrison taught the children various water safety tips via a presentation before diving straight in to some practical activities.   The...
Posted On 04 Mar 2024


Our stars of the week this week are:
Posted On 01 Mar 2024

National School Attendance Award

We are delighted to share that our school has been recognised as one of the schools that has come in the Top 10% of all FFT primary schools in England with regards to our attendance for the Autumn term! The Fischer Family Trust (FFT) collects daily attendance data from over...
Posted On 29 Feb 2024

Governor Monitoring Afternoon

This afternoon we welcomed 6 Governors in to school for a monitoring afternoon, Mrs Corbett, Mrs Hackforth, Mrs Kennett, Mrs Wainwright, Ms Loney and Mrs Stubbs. The Governors were looking at the implementation of our curriculum through observing the classes in lesson time,...
Posted On 23 Feb 2024

The Secret Garden!

This afternoon we had the amazing M&M Theatrical Production company come in to school and perform ‘The Secret Garden’ to the whole of Tockwith Primary! M&M Productions are the UK’s largest and most respected provider of theatre-in-education, specialising...
Posted On 19 Feb 2024

PTFA Valentine Disco

Another amazing disco was held at school last night. We had 176 children attend and all of the children were so excited about it!  DJ Poole was in the house again and did an excellent job of setting up and hosting the disco.  The children danced themseves out and are ready for a...
Posted On 09 Feb 2024

Beautiful Artwork

For those of you who have been in the school, you will have seen our new amazing art work in the hall.  We wanted a piece of art work to reflect the school Ethos, Aims and Values of our school so we contacted a wonderful, local artist who spoke to Mr Reeve about our school and...
Posted On 09 Feb 2024