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School Reopening – Monday 8th March

Posted On 03 Mar 2021
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We are delighted to be welcoming our children back to school on Monday 8th March. We will be operating with the same Risk Assessment that guided us last term, ensuring the children and staff will be working in a safe and secure way.

Please do not arrive at school earlier than 8.45 am as we need to avoid large gathering of parents. If you are queuing, please leave a clear two metres distance between you and the person in front of you. When children arrive, please could they enter school in the following ways:

Reception – enter through the main school gates and wait at the storytime area under the trees on the KS1 playground where Miss Murphy will collect the children from, or go straight to the classroom if the children have already
been collected.

Year 1 – enter through the main school gates and wait at the far side of the KS1 playground, next to the play tower where Miss Kilvington will collect the children from, or go straight to the classroom if the children have already been

Year 2 – enter through the main school gates and then wait on the grassy area under the trees, near the main school entrance.  Children will be brought back to this location at the end of the school day.

Years 3 and 4  – enter through the right hand side of the gate and work their way to the far end of the playground, along the side of the playground where their teachers will greet them at the tree (Y3) and the far shed (Y4).

Year 5 and 6 – enter through the left hand side of the gate and make their way to the area outside their classrooms.

Each class will be its own bubble so we will not be mixing any year groups to ensure the safety of our children and staff. Where possible, please could parents stay outside the school grounds and send their children in alone. Where this is not possible (KS1), please could parents wear face masks when coming onto the school site. It will be permissible not to wear face coverings if there are valid reasons not to. There is no requirement for any of our children to wear face coverings at any time.

Where possible, only one parent or carer should be coming to school and it should be for the shortest time necessary. Please do not enter any school buildings without prior arrangement. Once you have dropped off or collected your child, we respectfully ask you to please immediately leave the school premises and the area outside the school.

If children show coronavirus symptoms whilst at school, they will be sent home and advised to book a COVID19 test. Children will then need to self isolate at home until the test results are returned. If the test results are negative, then your child can return to school. If the test is positive then your child will need to isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms. Remote learning will be provided for any children needing to self isolate.

These remain challenging times for everyone and I hope you can understand the reasoning behind these restrictions. All staff continue to do their best for the children and it remains very important we all pull together to remain safe.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school office on 01423 358375 or via email at

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