Easter Egg Hunt 2019
We had an amazing turnout on Friday for our Easter Egg Hunt! The PTFA did an great job of arranging the event with a variety of activities such as a chocolate tombola, Easter Egg pots, a raffle and of course, the egg hunt itself. The raffle had some brilliant prizes such as a Jorvik Family pass, a meal at the Spotted Ox, Tickets for Wetherby Races and tickets to Creepy Crawlies to name but a few! We had some delicious cakes donated which went down a treat with our hungry hunters.
We had some brilliant pots decorated and handed in. Some amazingly creative ideas which were followed through to make fantastic pots! Well done to Sam, Freddie and Chloe, our Key Stage 2 winners, and Bella, Elsie-Jane and William, our Key Stage 1 winners.
A huge thank you to everyone in the PTFA for their hard work organising this event. Thanks to the teachers and all other parents who helped out on the day, and of course to all parents, grandparents, carers and friends for coming along and supporting us on Friday. A magnificent £467.00 was raised from the event!!