| 01423 358375
Ebor Academy Trust Logo

It is important that children attend school regularly and on time.  At Tockwith Primary Academy, we recognise that excellent attendance leads to excellent achievement.

To promote whole school attendance, every week the class who achieves the highest attendance are celebrated in assembly. The are presented with ‘Albert the Always Here Alligator’, which they take to their class and keep until the next weeks assembly. We also present ‘Ronnie the Ready to Learn Rooster’ to the class with the least amount of Lates. The children love this!

We are aware that we couldn’t improve our attendance figures without your support, and we very much appreciate parents who promote these good habits of punctuality and attendance. It is recognised where children miss chunks of learning or don’t have a calm prompt start to the day it significantly impacts on their ability to learn and make progress. Also by getting children into these good routines around attendance it stays with them as they go through the education system and onward into adult life. It is important to us that we work in partnership with you to ensure your children are in school every day and on time.

Where families are struggling with this we are always here to support and advise where we can. Please come and speak to us if you are having difficulties getting your child into school.

We are very proud that our attendance is above the national average. Our attendance for the last academic year was:

Year 1           97.1%

Year 2           96.4%

Year 3           96.5%

Year 4           96.4%

Year 5           97.0%

Year 6           96.4%


Pupil Absences

As a parent, having a child who is ill can be a very stressful time, whether caring for them, looking after other siblings, trying to contact the doctor or making arrangements with work.

Therefore please help us to help you, by reporting your child’s absence to school no later than 9.15am.  This can be via phone on 01423 358375 or via e-mail at

Unfortunately if your child is absent and we do not hear from you, we have a duty of care to call each of your emergency contacts until we are able to establish that your child is safe and the cause for their absence.

If your child is off for more than one day, please make sure that you let us know each morning that they won’t be in school again to avoid us having to call you to find out how they are.

Thank you for your support and cooperation in keeping our pupils safe.